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Attention Catholic Men and Women: We help people become monks, brothers, friars, priests, sisters and nuns! Exciting free online tests and Live-in retreats available now! Just tell us a bit about yourself, and we'll take it from there: Click here

Become a Catholic monk, nun, or priest? Test your Calling by taking a free online test here.

Click here to know if you're called to be a monk, priest, brother, friar, sister, or nun (take the free online "Ministry Potential Discerner"). For a limited time we are offering a free 4-6 page detailed personal analysis that highlights your individual strengths and weaknesses (a $20 value). Simply use this free coupon code at the end of the test: VPS123. (The code is letter case sensitive and capitals must be used.)

Know if you're called to marriage, religious life, or the priesthood: by ordering DVD's and books, including - The Promised Land Of Vocation, Jesus Calls Women, and Fishers of Men.

Or experience a free live in retreat:

Click here for an exciting free Live-in retreat. We can assist you in scheduling a brief retreat with a vocations director in the area of your choice. During your stay, you will live and pray for several days with others who are in the beginning stages of a life dedicated to the service of God through a religious career.

Click here for a list of available retreat locations. We also offer Membership Privileges to religious orders and dioceses.Click here to learn more about us, or here to read some of the press we've received.

Would you like to help? We advertise heavily and the Lord is providing a great harvest. Please share whatever you can. Click here to learn about volunteering, or here to make a donation to assist our effort.

As Seen On TV! Thanks to your assistance and the hard work of the Vocations Placement founder Natalie Smith, we're embarking on a national advertising campaign to promote vocations! Keep us in your prayers, and know you are in ours. View some clips from our commercials here!
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Click here to purchase VocationsPlacement founder Natalie Smith's books Stand On Your Own Feet: Finding a Contemplative Spirit in Everyday Life and The Hinge of Salvation.

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